Conclusions & Summaries
Nice work on getting to this stage! We covered quite a bit for your first interactions with Linux. However, these are the most essential/functions you're going to be using whenever you interact with a Linux machine.
I hope this room hasn't been too daunting for you to power-on through with. It's as I previously mentioned, you're going to become familiar with these things very quickly because of how often you're going to be using them.
To quickly recap, we've covered the following:
- Understanding why Linux is so commonplace today
- Interacting with your first-ever Linux machine!
- Ran some of the most fundamental commands
- Had an introduction to navigating around the filesystem & how we can use commands like find and grep to make finding data even more efficient!
- Power up your commands by learning about some of the important shell operators.
Take some time to have a play around in this room. When you feel a little bit more comfortable, progress onto Linux Fundamentals#part 2