
Welcome to the introductory bash scripting room!

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What is bash?

Bash is a scripting language that runs within the terminal on most Linux distros, as well as MacOS. Shell scripts are a sequence of bash commands within a file, combined together to achieve more complex tasks than simple one-liner and are especially useful when it comes to automating sysadmin tasks such as backups.

This is a few things among many that you will learn in this room:

Throughout this room feel free to work along with me! You can test out the commands shown or integrate them into your own projects, after all you learn by practicing and applying what you have learnt into your own scenarios. Make sure to spawn the tryhackme attackbox or use your own terminal.

I found this website very useful when I was on my journey of learning bash, feel free to use it to help you through this room and for further learning after you finish!